Letter: Costello must reveal stance on Executive Order

To The Editor,

In a Facebook post following the attacks in Paris in November of 2015, Congressman Ryan Costello said that we must “prioritize the resettlement of oppressed religious minorities” when considering refugees being admitted into the United States. Although this statement is rather callous considering groups such as ISIL do not discriminate when it comes to their ravage killings, this statement displays what Congressman Costello’s viewpoint should be on President Trump’s new executive order on immigration.

Congressman Costello should be against this discriminatory executive order that would not alone prevent Muslims from coming into the United States, but these persecuted minorities that Congressman Costello holds in a higher regard.

However, the Congressman has yet to release a statement on his views on the President’s new executive order. I ask of all constituents of the sixth congressional district, to call upon Congressman Costello to release a statement condemning this discriminatory act. If he does not, we must question the Congressman by calling his office or through the ballot box on why his viewpoint has changed.

Kevin Burk


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