Lego robotics club coming to Coatesville

4HRoboticsCOATESVILLE — Combine the fun of Lego’s with learning about robotics and computer program and what do you get? Lego Robotics — and now youths 8 to 18 can enjoy a new local club forming in 2014.

As Lego robotics groups — even competitive teams from around Chester County — become more common, 4-H Robotics Clubs continue to grow in response to local demand, and Coatesville will house the newest chapter.

Youth ages 8-18 can learn to design, build and program using Lego robotics kits. Club members meet monthly to gain these skills and put them to use solving a variety of challenges. The Coatesville club will meet on the third Monday of each month beginning Jan. 20, 2014 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Coatesville Area Public Library. The library is located on the corner of 5th Ave. & Main St., 501 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville.

Please call the Penn State Extension office at 610-696-3500 or email for more information and to register for this new club.  The cost of the program is $20.00 per year.

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