Free program to encourage quitting includes nicotine replacement therapy
Breathe easier. Live longer. Save money. Improve the environment. These are among multiple reasons to quit smoking, and now ChesPenn Health Services wants to make the task easier with a free program to assist in kicking the habit.
A six-week, smoking-cessation program will begin Monday, Jan. 27, and end Monday, March 3, at the Coatesville Library, 500 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville. The group sessions will last an hour; individual programs are available by appointment, a ChesPenn news release said.
Supported by the Health Promotion Council and funded through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the program will include free nicotine replacement therapy (21 mg. patch) for all participants. Studies have shown that getting help doubles the success rate for quitting, the release said. To register, call 484-784-4260.