Letter: Dinniman, Wolf have failed our schools

To The Editor:

Letters1Governor Wolf and Senator Dinniman failed students, teachers and taxpayers this past week.  House Bill 805 would ensure that the best teachers are protected from layoffs and not simply the ones who are there the longest.  Rather than working to improve our education system and provide real accountability, Wolf and Dinniman opposed this legislation to protect the interests of a few and support their political and union friends. 

It’s important to note that Senator Dinniman was quoted in the news today saying that he wins elections because he is above partisanship.  Well, this year will be the first time in Dinniman’s political career where an opposing candidate will actually expose the truth about him.  Senator Dinniman is a single-minded seeker of re-election. 

Senator Dinniman has made a career out of voting on both sides of every issue so he can pander to all groups.  Just recently, he voted for a state budget and lauded the end of an eight month budget stalemate.  What Dinniman doesn’t want voters to know is that he helped cause the impasse by opposing multiple budgets on party lines over the eight months prior and supported Governor Wolf’s massive tax increase proposal. 

With Senate leaders planning to make House Bill 805 a condition of passing a new budget, we can only hope that Dinniman stays true to form and flips his vote yet again. 

Jack London

Small business owner and

candidate for the 19th State Senate District

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  1. Roger J. Brown says:

    Roger J. Brown, East Fallowfield

  2. Roger J. Brown says:

    Roger J. Brown, East Fallowfield

  3. James Pitcherella says:

    My brother in law was fired from his teaching position because his basketball team lost. He was fired the day after basketball season was over. He was a full time teacher and a basketball coach. He was a first year teacher at Great Valley Schools. As we can see from the Coatesville School District, school administrators can be a cut throat as Wall Street bankers.

    House Bill 805, a bill that would guts seniority rights from public school teachers.
     #PABudget: Democrats Asked Tom Wolf to Sign a Union Busting Bill They Didn’t Vote For

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