Letter: Data must be gathered before making Pocopson Home decision

To The Editor,

As a follow up to recent news coverage on Pocopson Home, I wanted to offer additional commentary to the public on my position relating to Pocopson.

To date, the County has commissioned an outside consultant to inform the Commissioners about how a non-profit managed facility would operate versus continuing to operate as we currently do.  This report will be an important factor in any future decisions and will include information on operations, revenue, costs and much more.

I believe that one of the keys to making any decision – on any matter – is to gather factual information.  The report we await is just such information and, until we have it in hand and have reviewed its findings, I will not categorically dismiss any alternatives on this issue as I think to do so would be premature.  I hope the people of Chester County find this to be a prudent and thoughtful approach.

To this point, the County has not received any offers to purchase Pocopson Home, has not negotiated with prospective purchasers for the sale of Pocopson Home, nor has a listing broker been retained to market Pocopson Home for sale.  This all leads to the obvious conclusion that the County Commissioners are not actively considering the sale of Pocopson Home, which is indeed the case.


Ryan A. Costello
Chester County Commissioner

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