Roe announces run for County Commissioner

Eric Roe announces his campaign for County Commissioner, Saturday in West Chester.

On the steps of the historic Chester County Courthouse, former State Representative Eric Roe formally announced his campaign for County Commissioner to a crowd of supporters on Saturday.

“Chester County needs leaders who will be champions for open space preservation, civility, and integrity,” said Roe, 35, of West Bradford Township. “If we’re not careful, Chester County could lose the small town charm that it has known for centuries. I will invest in preserving open space and protecting the character of our communities to ensure that urban sprawl does not overtake our beloved county.”

“This campaign will reflect the values of Chester County’s voters, and one of those values is civility. There will be no mudslinging, smears, or ad hominem attacks coming from this campaign. My platform will be simple: What I’ve done for you lately, and what I’ll do as your County Commissioner.”

On the issue of integrity, Roe told the crowd a story from his time as a State Representative in Harrisburg. “The night before a vote on an anti-corruption bill, I got a call from a lobbyist from one of the teacher’s unions, asking me to call out sick the next day. They said if I did, they’d remember it the following year (an election year),” said Roe. “Well, when that bill came up for a vote, I showed up, I voted my conscience, and I lost my re-election that next year. But do you know what I didn’t lose? My integrity! When I lay I head on the pillow at night, I sleep just fine.”

At the announcement, Roe’s remarks were preceded by an endorsement from former County Commissioner Terence Farrell, who said, “I know Eric Roe, I have worked with him in county government, and he is highly qualified for this important position. He has my full support.”

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