Houlahan earns slot on House Intelligence Commitee

Chrissy Houlahan

For the 118th Congress, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) was selected to be on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the House Committee on Armed Services. Since 2018, Houlahan has served on Armed Services and Foreign Affairs, while the Intelligence Committee is a new position, she had been advocating for this Congress.

Houlahan has significant experience working on issues relating to the jurisdiction of all three committees. In the Air Force, she served as a project manager working on air and space defense technologies and was trusted with classified information on a daily basis. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, she has worked to promote peace and stability abroad, leading bipartisan legislation to address global malnutrition that was signed into law in October 2022. She recently led a bipartisan group of her colleagues to Norway and Finland to gain a firsthand understanding of national security issues in the Arctic.

“I am honored to continue my work on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs, and excited to get to work on my newest committee assignment, the Intelligence Committee,” said Houlahan. “Now more than ever we must strengthen diplomatic relations with our allies, protect our national security from foreign and domestic adversaries, and ensure proper oversight of our federal government.”



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