Commissioners proclaim National Travel and Tourism Week

Chester County Commissioners Marian Moskowitz (center), Josh Maxwell (left) and Michelle Kichline (right) present the proclamation recognizing National Travel and Tourism Week to Susan Hamley, Chester County Tourism Executive Director, and Nick D’Addezio, Vice-President of Marketing and Communications at Longwood Gardens, and President of the Chester County Tourism Board of Directors.

Chester County Commissioners Marian Moskowitz, Josh Maxwell and Michelle Kichline presented a proclamation this week recognizing May 7-13, 2023, as National Travel and Tourism Week.  The proclamation was received by Susan Hamley, Executive Director of Chester County Tourism, and Nick D’Addezio, Vice-President of Marketing and Communications at Longwood Gardens, who currently serves as President of the Chester County Tourism Board of Directors.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of National Travel and Tourism Week, which recognizes the contribution of the nation’s travel industry and its role in stimulating economic growth, cultivating vibrant communities, creating job opportunities, and elevating the quality of life for Americans.

The Commissioners’ proclamation reads, in part, “Travel and tourism fuels every industry across the nation and will continue to be an essential part of Chester County’s economy, development and workforce.”  The official document also notes that while the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an economic impact loss for Chester County of more than $706 million, that CARES Act funding allocated by the County helped to bolster its hospitality industry, notably restaurants and lodgings.

In 2019, Chester County Tourism registered $1.2 billion in visitor spending.  That level of spending is expected to return by 2025, and beyond that, to exceed previous spending levels.  Longwood Gardens, the County’s largest attraction, brings over 1.6 million people from throughout the world through its gates each year, and this week its internationally-acclaimed 2023 Festival of Fountains season begins.

“We are thrilled to be part of the thriving tourism industry in Chester County,” said Nick D’Addizio, representing the Chester County Tourism Board.  “The county has such wonderful assets, from charming small towns to amazing sporting venues, beautiful bucolic landscapes and, of course, world-renowned gardens.

“Tourism is vital to economic vibrancy and the hospitality industry supports over 16,000 jobs in Chester County. Thank you to all the wonderful people supporting tourism, from the wait staff in restaurants to hotel clerks, those working at attractions to amazing boutiques, and especially our wonderful staff at Chester County Tourism who work tirelessly to promote Chester County.”

For more information on the many attractions, events, restaurants, historical sites throughout Chester County go to

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