CASA of Delco/Chesco earns $160K federal grant

CASA Youth Advocates of Delaware & Chester Counties, which empowers community volunteers to connect with and champion children and youth involved in the child welfare system, and advocates for equity, resources, stability and permanency, has been awarded a $161,000 federal grant to support CASA’s efforts in the local community.

The monies will supplement the work of the Voices for Children Coalition, a CASA initiative that seeks to strengthen the families and systems that support our youth.

“We are so pleased to receive these funds, which will help grow our work on behalf of families and young adults who utilize community services in Delaware County,” said Shakira Hansley-Ellerson,

Policy & Advocacy Coalition Director

of the Voices for Children Coalition. “The research and work that will be undertaken as a result of this grant will impact children and youth in Delaware County for years to come.”

Specifically, the grant funding will:

  • Support the expansion of Voices for Children’s (VFC) existing database on child well-being in Delaware County, which stakeholders in the county use to inform policy and procedures;
  • Help VFC develop and implement a Community Resource Training Program geared towards families and young adults who wish to access current community services;
  • Allow VFC to build a Youth Advisory Council comprised of youth and young adults (ages 18 to 28) with experience navigating systems in Delaware County; and
  • Conduct a comprehensive public awareness campaign highlighting the service needs and status of children in Delaware County across multiple service domains, including income, education, health, mental health, social needs, family stability, community violence, and child victimization.

The CASA team is deeply appreciative of the work of Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) and his staff,  as they were an active partner with CASA throughout the grant application process, ensuring that these federal funds were awarded to the nonprofit

“CASA Youth Advocates, through its Voices for Children Coalition (VFC), does invaluable work supporting vulnerable young people in Delaware County,” said Senator John Fetterman (D-PA). “This funding will go a long way in helping VFC expand its impact by helping the coalition identify and address the challenges that the young people they serve are facing, as well as support efforts to train young adult advocates to share their experiences through public speaking opportunities and other advocacy efforts. I’m proud to have fought for and secured this funding to help VFC continue this important work.”

The Voices for Children coalition is always looking for community partners. To learn more about VFC’s action team meetings, contact Shakira Hansley Ellerson at; 610-565-2208 x105. To learn more about CASA of Delaware and Chester Counties, visit

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