Letter: Statement from Tonya Thames Taylor

Editor’s Note: The following is a statement by Dr. Tonya Thames Taylor, a member of the Coatesville Area School District, issued Sunday.

To The Editor,

Letters1In light of the article written by The Daily Local News today (9/22/13), I feel compel to reiterate the position taken by fellow School Directors and me for the past month. The Daily Local reports that racially-charged text messages were discovered by school district employees. Those employees trusted me as a representative of the board with this information.

The Daily Local News reports that I immediately contacted the school solicitor, Board President, and Vice President to inform them of the existence of the text messages. The article further reports that following my meeting with the Board President and Vice President that the Superintendent was confronted, the board was informed, and, within days, the Superintendent and Athletic Director were no longer employees of CASD.

Despite this newspaper reporting, I am still bound by a legal responsibility to protect the school district from any liability that could be caused by any statements that I make which could be misconstrued. I cannot comment about any matters that involve district personnel, which are confidential matters. Also, I cannot comment on any matters that are associated with an ongoing criminal investigation. I enjoy serving the district with excellence and my track record demonstrates this. I thank everyone for their continued support.

Tonya Thames Taylor


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  1. Da truth says:

    This is a mess the board can say all they want about how they done all that they could.but that’s a lie they could have just fired them how many people did como laugh about in his messages when blacks got fired and there were no leagle problems other people were fired in the district and there were no problems it’s all a. Bunch of mess
    What I see this to be is a public showing of the board suporting como the people made it known what they wanted and the board decided not to agree because they knew what como wanted and the have como his wishes and denied the people

  2. lina says:

    Since when it is legal to have off the record school board meetings.

    • Mike McGann says:

      Under state code the school board is allowed to hold “executive sessions” for matters of litigation, negotiations or personnel matters. They are supposed to inform the public that they held these private meetings and which of the reasons applied.

  3. Whistle Blower says:

    3T: This seems like one of those moments when you would try to teach everyone in the audience about history. What, suddenly no history lesson? Your sudden change in behavior teaches me a lot more.

  4. Mike says:

    Some have no idea what legal guidelines the board members must follow. The Sunshine law does NOT give them the right to discuss Personnel matters in a public… PERIOD. They also CANNOT by law take any action that effects CASD unless it is in a publically announced board meeting. They cannot make decisions independently and are not permitted to discuss things outside of an official board meeting when a board majority is present (even on the phone or internet).

    The two men were removed. I would tender to guess that neither reported to work, in their normal duties and prior to submitting their resignation, once the crap hit the fan.

    The board followed correct protocol and despite members of the public throwing hissy-fits seem to be handling this matter responsibly. I am assuming their first meeting as a board was to bring the board and council up to date; determine and assign tasks regarding expanse of the investigation, legal matters, etc.

    This appears not to be just a racially sensitive issue despite what some may want to focus on. It also hints at a mis-use or overcharging of somebody’s funds, and pockets being padded, favors being payed.

    Besides tweets (which might be considered free speech even if extremely inappropriate) were there ACTIONS that showed racism in the sports or school program.

    The school board did not tweet anyone inappropriately nor did they brush anything under the rug. They ACTED and may have done so much faster than you know right now. Don’t assume that silence over a few days means they did nothing at the beginning of that period.

    To wipe out a school board and open it up to a new unknown board at a time when the handcuffs have been taken off School Boards to raise taxes is a stupid move. No one except Brownfield and Johnson have ever put their name in the hat to run in AREA 1 since 2003.

    How deep or wide does this go? How long has this been going on? How much money was involved and what if any crimes committed?
    If you want these guys punished and tweets are considered FREE speech then would it not be nice if something else was found.

  5. Scott says:

    They were gone because they were given the luxury of resigning, which allows them to keep their pension. When presented with the evidence, the Board should have immediately terminated them. They did not earn or deserve the right to “retire.”

  6. jeffrey says:

    John she said no such thing all she said was she could not comment she neither confirmed nor denied the story in the local …. I believe it’s time to drop the politically correct talk and handle your morale responsibility and do what’s rt and just ….the taxpayers and public have a right to know

  7. John says:

    She said she was informed of it, promptly took it to the board, and within 3 days they were gone. What the hell else do you want?

  8. jeffrey says:

    No way will the public allow you and the rest of the school board to accept these resignations
    You and the rest of the board should step down without question or comment
    If you knew of this issue then you should be ashamed of yourself.To be a black woman and allow this behavior is disgusting you have no backbone

  9. Very concerned citizen says:

    I support you and believe you will react correctly. Everybody I know and who has read anything to do with this matter is absolutely disgusted. The way these two men behaved is abominable and anyone who thinks or acts out in the manner they have should be penalized as much as the law allows. On behalf of the community at large we do not accept this at all. We support you and are behind rooting out any people who behave in this manner at all.

  10. Concerned parent says:

    Ms. Taylor,
    While these individuals are no longer employed by the district, the management of the situation is far from excellent. These men were allowed to resign and the board has done their best to allow them to save face. When everyone has been so busy having the backs of racist/sexist crooks who has the backs of our children? It also seems to me that a qualified school board would have been more aware of the many issues at hand, as they did not just begin.. The responsible thing to do is step down along with any other members on the board/ staff that were involved in this downward spiral.

  11. Tax payer says:

    Ms. Taylor:

    Do the right thing and step down! Your services along with the rest of the board are no longer needed. You have sat on a board that has no transparency, have left the people whom put you in this position in the dark for to long. You along with the entire board needs to go. My son goes to CASD and I’m proud of the teachers who teaches him. You and the board however has tainted the CASD reputation for to long.

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