Times 2022 election questionnaire: Christina Sappey, 158th District

Christina Sappey
It is time again — for the fourth straight election cycle — for The Times election questionnaire for legislative candidates — your chance to get an unfiltered look at candidates’ views on various issues. The questions were sent out in September to both major parties in the county, asking them to be distributed to the individual campaigns. As always, the answers are not edited...
2020 Leg. Candidate Questionnaire: Eric Roe, Republican for State Rep., 158th District

Editor’s Note: As has been our tradition, The Times sent our its annual questionnaire to all Chester County legislative candidates, via their respective party. We publish these responses entirely unedited and unfiltered to give readers an honest assessment of the candidates and their positions. They will be published as candidates return them to us.
Eric Roe,GOP candidate, 158th District
1. Although...
Dems mailer crossed the line in 158th race

Both parties deserve hit for tone and conduct of 2016 campaign
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
And so, finally, it comes to an end.
There’s little glory to be had by either party — whether you look at the national operations, or the local county parties — as no one has much to be proud of for the their conduct and willful deceptions in advertising.
While there is a price to be paid for that...
Letter: Hogan should recuse himself rom Roe investigation

To The Editor,
Last week, the Chester County Democrats filed a complaint providing serious and concrete evidence that Republican Candidate Eric Roe has committed voter fraud. Following the appropriate legal avenues, they filed a complaint detailing Roe’s years of living in Washington D.C. and overseas both with the Chester County District Attorney and the Attorney General’s office, whose offices...
Things heating up in final days of election season

With 10 to go, intensity picks up; pension efforts fail again
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Well, we’re getting down to the end of it, just 10 more days and Election 2016 will in the history books.
And make no mistake, it will be one for the history books.
Or maybe, the horror section. And no, don’t ask me to email it to you.
From filing what appear to be criminal charges against a state representative...
Letter: Politics column is nothing more than wishful thinking

To The Editor,
I recently read Mike McGann’s column regarding the 2016 election. Let me say first that I have generally been impressed with your political analysis, which (while having a Democrat tilt) was generally unbiased and on the mark. Any pretense of that type of balanced analysis, however, seems to have been lost in the divisiveness of this year’s election.
Case in point is your recent...
Political news and notes: 2014 legislative races kicking off

Final write-in results show poor turnout, participation in 2013
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The political news cycle never seems to end these days, on the heels of the final write-in election results being posted Friday, we have a batch of new candidate announcements or pending announcements in 2014 state legislative races — and even, it seems — an early hint about a 2016 race.
First to the...
Coatesville area new state house district upheld by courts

New state house, state Senate districts for many — new district, the 74th in Coatesville area
The new State House districts for Chester County, including the new 74th District, centered around Coatesville.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court has upheld a new legislative redistricting plan, Wednesday, meaning the proposed district changes — including...
GOP turns back Democratic tide locally

Republicans hold all nine Chester County state house seats, Romney wins narrow victory
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Among Tuesday’s legislative winners in Chester County, from top left: State Sen. Andrew Dinniman (D-19), State Sen. Dominic Pieleggi (R-9), from middle left: State Rep. Tim Hennessey (R-26), State Rep. John Lawrence (R-13), State Rep. Steve Barrar (R-160), from left left, State...
Column: My take on the area legislative races

Is competency more important that ideology? I think so.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
We had some internal discussions about doing our first endorsements as a publication this year, something I decided was probably not the right thing to do in 2010 or 2011. And while we were split — at the end we still decided that the negatives outweighed the positives.
It is a position we will revisit in 2013,...