Boy Scout bring Christmas spirit to VA grounds

Ned Glavin, junior at Westtown School, life scout, and Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 22, chartered out of Unionville Presbyterian Church, chose to serve veterans selecting his Eagle Scout project.
Driven by his desire to help veterans, to honor his late grandfathers who were both Korean War Veterans, Ned reached out to the director of Voluntary Services, Mrs. Jennifer Lilly, at the Coatesville Veterans...
Troop 6 Scouts build compost bins for Coatesville Community Garden

Senthil Vel and Boy Scouts and volunteers from Troop 6 in front of the compost pens at the Coatesville Community Garden.
COATESVILLE — On April 7, Senthil Vel, an Eagle Scout from Troop 6 in West Chester led the project to build two sets of 3-bin composters in the Coatesville Community Garden located at 3rd Avenue and Lincoln Highway. More than 200 hours were spent by volunteers from Troop 6, Chester...
Landlords claim city increased fees while decreasing services

Group feels city created gratuitous fees; Council says they must cover costs
By Kyle Carrozza, Staff Writer, The Times
COATESVILLE – A group of landlords voiced grievances about City Council’s electrical, plumbing, and rental fee increases at Monday night’s City Council meeting.
With some more than doubling this past January, the landlords also believe that services have decreased.
“The primary...