Healey honored for Narcan works

Robert Kagel, Director, Chester County Department of Emergency Services; Representative Dan Truitt; Senator Andy Dinniman; EthanHealey; Ernie Holling, President, CCATO; Congressman Ryan Costello. PENNSBURY — Ethan Healey of West Chester will received the first Chester County Association of Township Officials (CCATO) President’s Award for Meritorious Service Thursday at the organization’s Fall...

Will commissioners’ 9-1-1 fee plan flatline?

Municipal officials balk at sharing costs for county-controlled services By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The CoatesvilleTimes.com WEST CHESTER — A proposal to apply a tourniquet of sorts to the county’s hemorrhaging 9-1-1 costs has generated cries of anguish from some municipal officials, prompting the Chester County commissioners to delay a vote. In an effort to defray about $2.6 million...