Coatesville teachers present petition with 2K signatures to CASD board

By Lauren Parker, News Editor, The Times
School board members Ann Wuertz, Dean Snyder and superintendent Dr. Cathy Taschner, listening to public comment during Tuesday’s meeting.
CALN – Another tumultuous school board meeting of the Coatesville Area School district was held Tuesday, during which, the primary focus was yet again on contract negotiations with the Coatesville Area Teachers Association,...
CASD hosts Day of Service in honor of MLK Jr Day

Nearly 200 volunteers turned out to donate time to local organizations
By Lauren Parker, News Editor, The Times
From left to right: Samuel Trizonis, Elena Long, Jadyn Brown, Rebekah Hallenbeck and JaLeah Blanton of the CASD presented essays on community service Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr day. Photo courtesy of CASD
COATESVILLE – The Coatesville Area School District hosted a day...
CASD forms partnership with WCU and Wells Fargo

New program will bring new opportunities for students
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
Coatesville Senior High School principal spoke to 11th and 12 the graders Wednesday to announce a partnership between the district, Wells Fargo and West Chester University.
CALN – The Coatesville Area School District has embarked on an exciting partnership with Wells Fargo and West Chester University...
Coatesville honors victims of 9/11

City comes together to remember attacks on NYC, Pentagon and Flight 93
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
Students throughout the Coatesville Area School District honored Patriot’s Day ahead of the 15th anniversary of September 11, 2001.
COATESVILLE – Members of the Coatesville community came together over the weekend at a number of ceremonies to remember the 15th anniversary...
Backpack Drive in Coatesville aims to prepare students for success

1,500 backpacks given to CASD students
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
Aja Thompson of the CYI helped six-year-old Giselle Nunez pick out a new backpack for first grade.
COATESVILLE – Hundreds of families in the Coatesville Area School District gathered at Scott Middle School last week for the fourth annual Coatesville Back to School: Prepare for Success event, where they received...
Coatesville School District continues admin reorg

Working to improve middle school curriculum
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
CALN – The Coatesville Area School District board of directors continued efforts to correct previous questionable moves by the previous administration and school board by updating employees’ titles and eliminating a key position in the district.
School board president Dean Snyder read a statement regarding...
CASD moves to rework admin positions

Board cuts unapproved positions created by previous superintendent
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
CALN – Further steps to correct past wrongdoings under the previous administration were taken at Wednesday’s school board meeting of the Coatesville Area School District, which included eliminating administrative positions that were never approved by the school board and adjusting...
Lewis holds community forum on safety in Coatesville schools

More than 15o people pack Coatesville’s City Hall for meeting
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
Over 150 Coatesville residents including parents, teachers, school board members and district administrators attended
COATESVILLE – Over 150 residents of the Coatesville Area School District, including City Council members, parents, teachers, principals, school board members and district...
It is time for the CASD board to do the right thing

Appointment of new board member Saturday will have consequences
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
On Saturday, the Coatesville Area School District Board of Education will make a decision that will likely shape the manner in which the school district runs for years.
At noon, the board will convene to vote on a replacement for the late Paul Johnson, after failing to do so, Tuesday night. Four members...