Letter: IRS pilot program could be conflict of interest

To the Editor:
The Internal Revenue Service recently announced that it will move forward with a pilot program in 2024 that would allow it to file tax returns for individual taxpayers. This means that, in addition to collecting and auditing taxes, the IRS could also soon be in the business of preparing taxes, too.
This presents a conflict of interests. Tax preparation requires a certain degree of discretion....
Election 2020: Biden wins Chesco, Comitta, Kane win st. Senate seats; 2 legislative races too close to call

Updated Monday, 7:30 to better reflect recount status in the 158th District.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
It’s not just the presidential race that continues to be too close to call: a pair of Chester County state legislative races are basically too close to call — both await the last of provisional/military/foreign ballots and may well head to recounts in the coming weeks.
2020 Leg. Candidate Questionnaire: Eric Roe, Republican for State Rep., 158th District

Editor’s Note: As has been our tradition, The Times sent our its annual questionnaire to all Chester County legislative candidates, via their respective party. We publish these responses entirely unedited and unfiltered to give readers an honest assessment of the candidates and their positions. They will be published as candidates return them to us.
Eric Roe,GOP candidate, 158th District
1. Although...
Letter: Pa. needs more tax breaks for strained communities

To The Editor,
On Tuesday night, I joined millions of Americans and watched the latest Democratic debate. Despite the mudslinging, I heard something I liked. When asked about how to help minority communities, Vice President Joe Biden said he favors a First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit. That was a relief. In Chester County, with its coveted schools, clean air, and preserved green spaces, housing is not...
Letter: In support of Eric Roe

To the Editor:
As the November 6th election approaches, I want to put in a good word for State Representative Eric Roe. In an otherwise polarized and partisan election cycle, Eric Roe has proven that he’s willing to put people above politics. That’s why he’ll have my vote.
His leadership against unfair gerrymandering is probably the best example of his integrity. In a world where politicians...
New Congressional maps are a karma bomb for GOP

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Republicans across the state of Pennsylvania are howling mad and running to the courts seeking assistance.
Karma is a bitch, right?
It seems like they may have to compete on a fair Congressional map — not the 2011 map that was among the most Gerrymandered maps in the entire country — and they don’t like it one bit.