Don’t Retire, ReFire: Never stop improving

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
August is my birthday month and each year, just as I do for the turning of each New Year, I reflect on where I am and what I want to accomplish, while being very aware that time is a tickin’.
One of the key components to living an enriched, fulfilled life is to never stop improving and learning. Most of us strive to improve ourselves each day, relating...
Don’t Retire, ReFire: If not now, when?

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
There are many influential people, like Eckhart Tolle who have made this statement, which only validates its gravity. If not now, when?
Each month, I like to think that my messages are thought provoking and will raise the level of consciousness in the reader.
If we look at our lives as a string of todays, we may understand and more fully grasp the importance...