Op/Ed: Municipal funding decisions for fire/EMS putting public at risk

A.J. McCarthy (Times’ file photo). By A.J. McCarthy, Chief, Longwood Fire Company The decision by Oxford Borough Council to decrease funding for Union Fire Company and its EMS service is endangering its constituents’ safety. Also, the reported comments by Borough Manager Brian Hoover are infuriating and misleading the citizens of Oxford. Fire companies and EMS units in Chester County struggle...

House Bill 809 would further cut local control

Bill would let state make housing, zoning choices instead of local communities By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times Along with about 50 other people, I attended a hearing at West Chester Borough Hall on July 20 about House Bill 809 proposed to the PA House of Representatives. On the positive side, we have a democratic process that allows citizens to find out what our legislators are doing and to...

Letter: Longwood chief backs dedicated funding efforts

To The Editor, Longwood Fire Company has been seeking dedicated funding from governmental entities for many years. I was encouraged to see four companies in our region form a funding coalition to reach that goal and have offered them my support. The Berwyn, Paoli, Radnor and Malvern fire companies formed the T-E Fire Companies Funding Coalition. They are combining efforts to reach out to residents...