City to take $1.4 million from trust fund to cover 2013 expenses

Withdraw of money will prevent tax hike but is only a stopgap solution COATESVILLE – The City Council reversed itself and voted in favor of borrowing $1.4 million from a trust fund in order to cover various city expenses for the rest of the year at its meeting, Monday night. City Council voted against borrowing the money earlier in the month, but the absence of two members and the remaining members...

Council votes against using trust fund to cover budget

City must compensate for over-budgeting; may look to increase taxes By Kyle Carrozza, Staff Writer, The Times COATESVILLE – In a hotly debated decision, Coatesville City Council voted 3-2 against using trust fund money to cover over-budgeted city expenses for 2013 at its meeting at City Hall on Monday night. In December, while budgeting for this year, City Council realized that they would be over-budgeting...