Chesco donations to hurricane victims top 160,000 pounds

Damage as captured by Chester County Sheriff’s deputies in Port Aransas, Texas — a small community on Mustang Island, across from Corpus Christi, where Hurricane Harvey made landfall.
Days after area first-responders returned from delivering 68,000 pounds of donations to victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, they began setting up a similar effort for Hurricane Irma’s Florida victims – an...
On Stage (Extra): Terry, Trivium top busy local music schedule

Heavier than usual performance schedule tabbed for this weekend
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Jesse Terry tops a lengthy list of live music acts hitting the stage locally Saturday night.
There is a pretty heavy live music schedule for this area for May 21 and it ranges from light to heavy. Jesse Terry is the lightest — and earliest — while Trivium is the heaviest — and...
What To Do: Chester County Studio Tour keeps on growing

Also: Food truck fest in Kennett Square, Sunday
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Nancy Swope is just one of the many Chester County artists featured during this weekend’s Chester county Studio Tour.
With a weather forecast that indicates a very good chance for conditions ranging from unpleasant to downright dismal (high of 57 degrees and 100 per cent chance of rain), it might not be...
Caln man charged with sexually abusing children

Christopher Guiseppe
A Caln man faces charges that he sexually abused three children under age 10 and authorities say they worry that he might have abused more children and are asking the public to come forward if they have additional information.
Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan announced the arrest of Christopher Guiseppe Thursday on charges that he sexually abused multiple children.
Finding good borne out of a profound loss

Memorial 5K for Jacinda Miller keeps her legacy alive
By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times
This past Sunday, I had the honor of wearing two hats at the Chester County Half-Marathon and Memorial 5K – volunteer and journalist.
Jacinda Miller was my friend. We were neighbors and birthday buddies, our sons went to school together, we saw each other every day at the bus stop, we also carpooled...
On Stage: The Atomic Bitchwax rocks it old school

Everybody Panic! among hard rocking acts hitting the area this weekend
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The Atomic Bitchwax brings their old-school, driving rock sound to Kung Fu Necktie, Friday.
The Atomic Bitchwax is a band without any pretensions. The hard-rocking trio doesn’t use any gimmicks, never subscribes to the flavor-of-the-month and refuses to give less than its best —...
County HS students attend Youth Leadership Summit

Nearly 75 Chester County high school students attended the first Youth Leadership Summit last weekend. The students, as seen here, spent part of the day working in groups discussing everyday problems including bullying and media perceptions.
CALN — Nearly 75 students from school districts across Chester County attended the First Annual Chester County Youth Leadership Summit this past Saturday, May...
So Sweet! May is National Strawberry Month

You don’t have to wait until June’s Strawberry Fest to get ‘Berry’ happy
By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, the Times
These individual tartlets combine the best of spring strawberries with the tart taste of their spring partner, rhubarb. Photo courtesy of Annalise at Completely Delicious.
May is National Strawberry month, when we celebrate the love of these juicy berries...
Grab a No. 2 pencil and underline this: the Keystones are unfair

While the legislature fiddles, teachers and students suffer
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The good news is that the kids got to sleep in a bit on a school day.
And while it’s becoming increasingly clear that our teens don’t get enough sleep — and a movement to delay the start time in Chester County high schools is slowly gaining momentum — that my twins, freshmen at Unionville High School...
Survey: Business owners bullish on Chesco economy

WEST CHESTER — It appears that small business in Chester County is pretty bullish on the economic future of the county, based on a new survey released Tuesday by the county commissioners and a county economic development group.
The Chester County Board of Commissioners and the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), announced at Tuesday’s Commissioners’ Sunshine Meeting, the results...