Letter: Silent conservatives need to speak out or death of democracy will be on you

To The Editor: This is not about Donald Trump.  It’s not even about the sad souls seduced by him.  The insurrectionists who stormed the Capital to prevent the peaceful transfer of power were primarily guilty of being gullible.  They fell for the big fraud.  They did not do the defrauding.  Many have been held accountable for their actions.  Most of the ones who fooled them have not.  Yet. I...

Why do some people want you to hate people who are just like your ancestors? 

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa For nearly 200 years, Americans — okay, some Americans — have ranted, attacked and complained about immigrants. As immigration literally helped turn this country from an agrarian backwater to a superpower, it was always foolish. But the recent verbal assaults by the likes of Donald Trump (ironically, the son of an immigrant), aside from being reprehensible...

Letter: True conservatives believe in democracy and the rule of law

To The  Editor: Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious. People who lose an election, and believe they won. Not based on evidence. But based on what they “feel.” I am a Conservative. Many Republicans today delude themselves by calling me a RINO (Republican In Name Only). True Conservatives believe in the Constitution, Democracy, and the rule of law. Donald Trump only believes in himself....

When one side can’t argue with facts, it’s easy to find oneself getting angry

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times Am I angry? Well, I guess I am but more than that, I am concerned at the inability of those who want to deny history, science and the rights of others to really participate in a discussion about what they believe For the far-right, it seems name-calling and hurling emojis has replaced explaining your positions, or why you disagree with someone. I have had more...

While far-right, big-money school board candidates struggled in the primary, it was just a rehearsal for Nov.

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times SOME QUICK REFLECTIONS…..on our recent primary elections… Schools…The billionaires who poured money into area school board races to try to turn public education into a straight, white Christian Nationalist brain-washing experience ought to be a bit disappointed. Granted, this was only a primary and the real test will come in November, but Tuesday’s results...

Why was there a Blue Wave in Pennsylvania?

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa By now we’ve all had a bit of time to digest the election results — in terms of Pennsylvania and Chester County — it was a very good mid-term election for Democrats, sweeping the statewide races, taking control of the state House of Representatives and holding all of their Congressional seats. As you may know, the party in control of the White House...

Gun violence is spiking because, frankly, we just don’t care

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa The texts from my daughter happen every few days: “There was a shooting. I’m safe.” She — like her twin brother — is a senior at Temple University. The two of them live about 10 blocks apart in North Philly, but gunfire has become a pretty regular event for both, distressingly. Obviously, it scares the hell of out of me, but both are where they...

After a tough spring, Democrats look like they have momentum on this Labor Day

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa Happy Labor Day! (Well, tomorrow, actually). As we political junkies know, Labor Day is the traditional start of the political season, so it is always with some excitement when the first ridiculous claim of the campaign season is thrown out. Back in May and April, when it looked like the sky was falling on Democrats and President Joe Biden, I suggested...

County judge removes 5 from WCASD board over masking policy

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa The original petition filed in the West Chester Area School District case. A Chester County judge moved Tuesday to remove five members of the West Chester Area School District Board of Education on what he termed a procedural issue — saying that neither the school board members or school district responded in a timely manner to a petition seeking the...

Make a resolution to improve your media literacy

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa New year, same old….well, a lot of stuff. We’ve been getting our butts kicked by a virus for going on two years, half the country thinks the other half are corrupt liars and we’re wandering our way toward a time when we won’t even agree whether the sky is blue and if grass is green. Granted, a lot of stuff is not quickly or easily fixable. But...