Red Raider Report- Student profile on Emmett Hunt

Coatesville junior sets the tone on the field and court   By Dave Conard  Sports Editor,

Emmett Hunt is a leader on the grid iron, diamond and hard wood.

COATESVILLE—In our new feature at the Coatesville Times, The Red Raider Report, we will be highlighting a worthy student for his/ her accomplishments in the classroom as well as their exploits on an athletic, academic, dramatic or musical stage.

Our new bi-weekly feature will help you get to know the person behind, the mask, music or numbers and hopefully will be something that our readers will look forward to seeing.

Please fell free to comment or let us know about a Coatesville student that warrants a Red Raider profile on them as we thrive on reader feedback to continue to grow and improve our coverage of the Coatesville school district.

“Mr. Hunt, this is your mission, should you choose to accept it.”

It may be a line from a movie and television franchise that has been heard and seen by millions through out the world, but for one Coatesville teenager each change in season presents a new mission for him to embark on.

17–year old Emmett Hunt, who uses the same tireless work ethic he uses to play three sports, to be successful in the class room as he traverses the maze of hallways in Coatesville High School is the focus on this month’s Red Raider Report as the winter thaws into spring and Hunt gets ready to hear the crack of the bat (or ping, in today’s world of aluminum bats).

“I work hardest probably during football season, but I also love basketball and baseball season as well,” said the Red Raider junior forward Hunt. “Right now people are so psyched about basketball and it is great to see the gym fill up our games, we have had a great year so far.”

Hunt has set the bar high in everything he does and is always working to exceed the expectations of his biggest critic, himself.

He is alos quick to credit his parents, Carrie and Emmett Sr., for instilling the values that help him stay the course in today’s socially demanding world.

Six questions we had to ask this weeks focus of  the Red Raider Report.

 If we tapped into your I-Pod before a game or hanging out what kind of music would we here? “I listen to a lot of stuff, I would have to say some of my favorites are Young Jeezy and Drake, I listen to ton of hip hop, R&B and top 40 stuff.”


Who has been your biggest influence and how have they impacted who you are today? “My mom and dad have always kept me grounded and helped me become who I am today. Their support and help had been so big over the years, and they have taught me how to treat people and appreciate what life gives me.”
 What is the one thing that defines you on and off the court? “My work ethic, I push myself to be a good as I can at anything I do, I don’t really hav


Even Superman has a weakness, what is yours or what do you want to improve on?

“Working to help others, I want to be able to do as much as I can for my community and help other, sometimes it’s hard to keep that in focus and I want to be sure that I always treat other with respect and loyalty.”


What goals have you set for yourself if any? “I would love to get into sports medicine in some way. Playing sports can give me an opportunity to get a great education and continue to do what I love. This year and next it would be awesome to win our league or make the district and state playoffs, I love this team and we all play for each other. ”


If you could play three-on-three basketball with any one who would it be?

“I would love to hang out with LeBron James, Dwight Howard and Chris Paul just to find out what they are interested in or what they do when they are no on the court.”






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  1. Stanley Butterfield says:

    This is a really nice thing that you are doing with these young men and women. Big ups to my nefew for being number one..

  2. Henry Lewis Jr says:

    That was a good article on Emmett Hunt Jr you keep up the good work and God Bless You

  3. Diana Gray says:

    Congrats to you and may God continue to bless and keep you as you endeavor in all that you do in life.

  4. Carrie A Hunt says:

    Thank you so much for featuring this article on our son Emmett Hunt, jr. However could you please correct his father’s name to EMMETT HUNT, Sr.
    We don’t know Thomas :-). Thank you

    • Mike McGann says:

      Our apologies on the error. We’ve corrected it. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention.