Letter: Hennessey against women’s health

To The Editor,
If you are a woman or care about women’s rights, regardless of your party affiliation, consider what Rep. Tim Hennessey has done to eliminate those rights.
He voted IN FAVOR of Senate Bill 732 and House Bill 574 which could cause the closure of all freestanding abortion clinics in PA.
He co-sponsored House Bill 1077 a.k.a the mandatory ultrasound bill.
He voted IN FAVOR of House Bill...
Letter: mad about voter ID? Show it.

To the editor,
On Election Day, Tuesday, remember that the Republicans in Harrisburg and Rep. Tim Hennessey brought you that horrible Voter ID law.
Thankfully, a court ruling has delayed the law’s implementation, so you will NOT be required to show photo identification prior to casting a vote in this historic election. Forgive yourself if you are confused. A lot of people are.
For starters, you...